Pathology Titles |
Comparitive pathology of silicate pneumoconiosis |
1979 |
Brambilla, C. |
Abraham, J. |
Brambilla, E. |
Bernirschke, K. |
Bloor, C. |
American Journal of Pathology, 96(1): 149-170 |
Un trématode parasite de l'okapi (Cotylophoron congolense n. sp.) |
1935 |
Baer, J.G. |
Revenue Zoologique Botanique Afr., 28:310-316 |
Etude critque des helminthes de l'okapi |
1950 |
Baer, J.G. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 164-186 |
On the progress of Strongylids in a pair of Okapi's |
1962 |
Appelmans, F. |
Zool. Garden N.F., 26:310-312 |
Ein Ausbruch von Pochenkrankheit bei Okapis |
1964 |
Basse, A. |
Freund, E.A. |
Hansen, J.F. |
6th Int. Sympo. Dis. Zooanim. Vienne: 54-61 |
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi |
1937 |
Van Den Berghe, L. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 30: 117-139 |
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi |
1937 |
Van Den Berghe, L. |
Vuylsteke, C. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 29: 361-369 |
Records of some parasitic worms from the Belgian Congo |
1939 |
Baylis, H.A |
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,3:628 |
General survey of okapi pathology |
1978 |
Benirschke, K. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antverpia, 71:63-68 |
12.pdf |
L'okapi et ses parasites |
1958 |
Darvelle, E. |
Bull. Serv. Eaux et Fôrets, Chasse et Pêche, 5: 213-230 |
Circumcision of an okapi |
1978 |
Denis, L. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 59-62 |
286.pdf |
The taxonomy of the family Paraphistomidae Fischoeder, 1901 with special reference to the morphology species occuring in rumminants |
1980 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Thesis. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
A new genus, Leiperocotyle, for Cotylophoron okapi Leiper 1935 and C. congolense Bear, 1936 and redescription of C. okapi |
1980 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Systematic Parasit., 1(3-4): 255-263 |
The taxonomy of the family Paramphistomidae (Fischoeder, 1901) with special reference to the morphology of species occuring in ruminants. 7. Redescription of Leiperocotyle (Bear, 1936) (Eduardo, 1980) |
1985 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Systematic Parasit., 7(3): 231-238 |
Tympanites and ruminal acidosis in zoo ruminants |
1978 |
Elze, K. |
Krische, G. |
Vers nouveaux de l'okapi |
1948 |
Fain, A. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 41: 222-230 |
Le genre Gongylonema Molin 1857, au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi |
1948 |
Fain, A. |
Ann. Par. Hum. et Comp., 30: 202-218 |
Zur kenntnis des Parasiten des Okapis |
1958 |
Fortmeyer, H.P. |
Diss. Giessen |
Zur Kenntnis van Monodontella giraffae der Giraffen und Okapis (Mammalia, Giraffidae). |
1963 |
Frank, W. |
Krause, D. |
Ostertag H. |
Z. f. Parasitenk., 23: 63-79; 181-196 |
Okapi immobilized at St. Louis |
1970 |
Freuh, R. |
AAZPA Newsletter, febr. |
Les okapis à la Station d'Epulu. Rappro de mission d'études effectuées à la Station d'Epulu du 1-2-58 au 15-7-58 |
1960 |
Gerber, W. |
Bull Agricole du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, 51: 159-170 |
296.pdf |
Notices complémentaires sur l'okapi, sur sa reproduction et ses maladirs au jardin zoologique d'Anvers |
1962 |
Gijzen, A. |
Mortelmans, J. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 30: 1-66 |
Mammomonogamus species in domestic and wild rumminents. Les Mammomonogamus des ruminants domestiques et sauvages |
1972 |
Graben, M. |
Euzeby, J. |
Gevrey, J. |
Toncy, P.M. |
Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 47(2): 225-241 |
Aspergillosis and mucomycosis in an okapi |
1964 |
Hewer, T.F. |
Bristol med. chir. J., 79: 121-127 |
Aspergillosis and mucormycosis in two newborn calves of okapia johnstoni |
1968 |
Hewer, T.F. |
Pearson, H. |
Wright, A. |
Br. Vet. J., 124: 282-286 |
Conservation de Rickettsia prowazeki dans les sarcocytes de l'Okapi |
1959 |
Jadin, J. |
Arch. Inst. Pasteur de Tunis, 36: 141-144 |
Giraffe und Okapi |
1976 |
Kloppel, G. |
Zootierkrankheiten, edited by Klos H.G. and Lang E.M., Verlag Paul Parey: 206-21 |
Die diagnose des nematodenfalles beim lebenden Tier, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Befunde beim Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Kreis, H.A. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 151 |
Klinscher Beobachtungen am Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Lang, E.M. |
Acta Tropica, 7(2): 118-120 |
Haltung und Brunst von Okapia in Epulu |
1956 |
Lang, E.M. |
Säugetierk. Mitt., 4(2): 49-52 |
305.pdf |
Helminth parasites in the living okapi |
1935 |
Leiper, R.T. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 947-948 |
Helminth parasites obtained from an okapi postmortem |
1935 |
Leiper, R.T. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 949 |
Study of the Okapis, with special reference to their helminthic fauna |
1986 |
Lynen, L. |
Thesis Royal Zool. Soc. Antwerp |
Contribution to the Helmintho Fauna of Tropical Africa. Tape worms of the Belgian Congo |
1954 |
Mahon, J. |
Ann. Mus. R. Congo, Tervueren, C. Zoologie, sec. 5: 1 |
Anaesthesia in okapis |
1978 |
Mortelmans, J. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 41-44 |
310.pdf |
A propos de l'immobilisation des ruminants sauvages en captivité |
1962 |
Mortelmans, J. |
Vercruysse, J. |
Bull. Soc. R. Anvers, 28: 1-25 |
Remarques sur la fonction génitale et la naissance d'un okapi |
1958 |
Nouvel, J. |
Mammalia, 22: 107-111 |
312.pdf |
Notes on the periodical appearence of hairloss on a male okapi |
1978 |
Ostenrath, F. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 45-46 |
313.pdf |
Hoof repair in an okapi |
1980 |
Ott, J.E. |
Greenouch, P.R. |
Robinson, P.T. |
Annual Proc. Am. Ass. Zoo. Vet.: 155-158 |
Myobacteria in mammals and birds of the Zoo of Antwerp |
1967 |
Pattyns, S.R. |
Boveroulle, M.T. |
Mortelmans, J. |
Vercruysse, J. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 34: 125-134 |
Kuhpocken bei den Okapi im Zoologischer Garden Blijdorp |
1969 |
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Verh. Ber. 11 Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere, Akademie Verlag Berlin: 123-127 |
Clinical experience with okapis |
1975 |
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Verh. Ber. 17 Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere: 65-69 |
Differentiation of a variety of orthopoxvirus by analyses of viral genome |
1985 |
Pilaski, J. |
Rosen, A. |
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Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie microbiologie und Hygiene, 260(4): 502 |
Comparative analyses of the genome of orthopoxviruses isolated from elephant, rhinoceros and okapi by restriction enzymes |
1986 |
Pilaski, J. |
Rosen, A. |
Darai, G. |
Arch. Virol., 88(1/2): 135-142 |
Rotavirus-like infection associated with diarrhea in okapi |
1986 |
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Larves d'oestrides cavicoles chez Okapia johnstoni |
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Piroplasmes d'okapi et d'elephants dans l'Ouelle |
1935 |
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On a new species of trichuris from Okapi |
1955 |
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Acta Tropica, 12: 176-178 |
Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen des Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
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Acta Tropica, 7: 132-150 |
Ein Hakenwurm als Parasit der Gallengänge van Giraffen und Okapis |
1964 |
Scherf, H. |
Naturw. Rdsch. Stuttgart, 17: 150 |
Control of intestinal paratism of okapi |
1965 |
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Bijdr. Dierk, 35: 145-148 |
Report on the death of an okapi |
1965 |
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Einiger Bemerkungen über die Trichocephalen der Wiederkäuer |
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The parasitic worms, collected by American Museum Expedition to the Belgian Congo, 1909-1914 |
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Monodonella giraffae, ses oeufs, son importance en pathologie |
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Nématodes parasides de l'okapi |
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L'acclimatation des okapis à Londres et Copenhague |
1953 |
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Ergebnisse von Kotuntersuchungen bei Okapi |
1964 |
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Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis, durch Rektumstenose |
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Durch Rektumstenose bedingte Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis |
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Cowpox on okapis at the Rotterdam Zoo |
1971 |
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Neonatal illness characterised by dermatitis, hyperthermina and anemia in an okapi |
1988 |
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Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia 80, 43-52 |
Urinary Corticosteroid Excretion Patterns in the Okapi (Okapia Johnstoni) |
2008 |
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Zoo Biology 27:381-393 |
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Excretion Patterns of Fecal Progestagens, Adrogen and Estrogens During Pregnancy, Parturition and Postpartum in Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
2007 |
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Journal of Reproduction an Development, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2007 |
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Novel use of two long acting neuroleptics to facilitate the transportation of two okapi (Okapi johnstoni) |
2004 |
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European Association of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5th scientific meeting |
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Okapi Patrick ist krank |
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Anonymus |
124th Report of the Zoological Garden of Berlin |
474.pdf |
Okapi Patrick ist tod |
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Anonymus |
131 Jahresbericht des Zoologischen Gartens Berlin |
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A 12-month survey of the gastro-intestinal helminths of antelopes, gazelles and giraffids kept at two zoos in Belgium |
2005 |
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Veterinary Parasitology 127:303–312 |
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