Pathology Titles
Comparitive pathology of silicate pneumoconiosis 1979 Brambilla, C. Abraham, J. Brambilla, E. Bernirschke, K. Bloor, C. American Journal of Pathology, 96(1): 149-170
Un trématode parasite de l'okapi (Cotylophoron congolense n. sp.) 1935 Baer, J.G. Revenue Zoologique Botanique Afr., 28:310-316
Etude critque des helminthes de l'okapi 1950 Baer, J.G. Acta Tropica, 7: 164-186
On the progress of Strongylids in a pair of Okapi's 1962 Appelmans, F. Zool. Garden N.F., 26:310-312
Ein Ausbruch von Pochenkrankheit bei Okapis 1964 Basse, A. Freund, E.A. Hansen, J.F. 6th Int. Sympo. Dis. Zooanim. Vienne: 54-61
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi 1937 Van Den Berghe, L. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 30: 117-139
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi 1937 Van Den Berghe, L. Vuylsteke, C. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 29: 361-369
Records of some parasitic worms from the Belgian Congo 1939 Baylis, H.A Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,3:628
General survey of okapi pathology 1978 Benirschke, K. Acta Zool. Path. Antverpia, 71:63-68 12.pdf
L'okapi et ses parasites 1958 Darvelle, E. Bull. Serv. Eaux et Fôrets, Chasse et Pêche, 5: 213-230
Circumcision of an okapi 1978 Denis, L. Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 59-62 286.pdf
The taxonomy of the family Paraphistomidae Fischoeder, 1901 with special reference to the morphology species occuring in rumminants 1980 Eduardo, S.L. Thesis. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
A new genus, Leiperocotyle, for Cotylophoron okapi Leiper 1935 and C. congolense Bear, 1936 and redescription of C. okapi 1980 Eduardo, S.L. Systematic Parasit., 1(3-4): 255-263
The taxonomy of the family Paramphistomidae (Fischoeder, 1901) with special reference to the morphology of species occuring in ruminants. 7. Redescription of Leiperocotyle (Bear, 1936) (Eduardo, 1980) 1985 Eduardo, S.L. Systematic Parasit., 7(3): 231-238
Tympanites and ruminal acidosis in zoo ruminants 1978 Elze, K. Krische, G.
Vers nouveaux de l'okapi 1948 Fain, A. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 41: 222-230
Le genre Gongylonema Molin 1857, au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi 1948 Fain, A. Ann. Par. Hum. et Comp., 30: 202-218
Zur kenntnis des Parasiten des Okapis 1958 Fortmeyer, H.P. Diss. Giessen
Zur Kenntnis van Monodontella giraffae der Giraffen und Okapis (Mammalia, Giraffidae). 1963 Frank, W. Krause, D. Ostertag H. Z. f. Parasitenk., 23: 63-79; 181-196
Okapi immobilized at St. Louis 1970 Freuh, R. AAZPA Newsletter, febr.
Les okapis à la Station d'Epulu. Rappro de mission d'études effectuées à la Station d'Epulu du 1-2-58 au 15-7-58 1960 Gerber, W. Bull Agricole du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, 51: 159-170 296.pdf
Notices complémentaires sur l'okapi, sur sa reproduction et ses maladirs au jardin zoologique d'Anvers 1962 Gijzen, A. Mortelmans, J. Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 30: 1-66
Mammomonogamus species in domestic and wild rumminents. Les Mammomonogamus des ruminants domestiques et sauvages 1972 Graben, M. Euzeby, J. Gevrey, J. Toncy, P.M. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 47(2): 225-241
Aspergillosis and mucomycosis in an okapi 1964 Hewer, T.F. Bristol med. chir. J., 79: 121-127
Aspergillosis and mucormycosis in two newborn calves of okapia johnstoni 1968 Hewer, T.F. Pearson, H. Wright, A. Br. Vet. J., 124: 282-286
Conservation de Rickettsia prowazeki dans les sarcocytes de l'Okapi 1959 Jadin, J. Arch. Inst. Pasteur de Tunis, 36: 141-144
Giraffe und Okapi 1976 Kloppel, G. Zootierkrankheiten, edited by Klos H.G. and Lang E.M., Verlag Paul Parey: 206-21
Die diagnose des nematodenfalles beim lebenden Tier, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Befunde beim Okapi Bambe 1950 Kreis, H.A. Acta Tropica, 7: 151
Klinscher Beobachtungen am Okapi Bambe 1950 Lang, E.M. Acta Tropica, 7(2): 118-120
Haltung und Brunst von Okapia in Epulu 1956 Lang, E.M. Säugetierk. Mitt., 4(2): 49-52 305.pdf
Helminth parasites in the living okapi 1935 Leiper, R.T. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 947-948
Helminth parasites obtained from an okapi postmortem 1935 Leiper, R.T. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 949
Study of the Okapis, with special reference to their helminthic fauna 1986 Lynen, L. Thesis Royal Zool. Soc. Antwerp
Contribution to the Helmintho Fauna of Tropical Africa. Tape worms of the Belgian Congo 1954 Mahon, J. Ann. Mus. R. Congo, Tervueren, C. Zoologie, sec. 5: 1
Anaesthesia in okapis 1978 Mortelmans, J. Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 41-44 310.pdf
A propos de l'immobilisation des ruminants sauvages en captivité 1962 Mortelmans, J. Vercruysse, J. Bull. Soc. R. Anvers, 28: 1-25
Remarques sur la fonction génitale et la naissance d'un okapi 1958 Nouvel, J. Mammalia, 22: 107-111 312.pdf
Notes on the periodical appearence of hairloss on a male okapi 1978 Ostenrath, F. Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 45-46 313.pdf
Hoof repair in an okapi 1980 Ott, J.E. Greenouch, P.R. Robinson, P.T. Annual Proc. Am. Ass. Zoo. Vet.: 155-158
Myobacteria in mammals and birds of the Zoo of Antwerp 1967 Pattyns, S.R. Boveroulle, M.T. Mortelmans, J. Vercruysse, J. Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 34: 125-134
Kuhpocken bei den Okapi im Zoologischer Garden Blijdorp 1969 Peters, J.C. Verh. Ber. 11 Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere, Akademie Verlag Berlin: 123-127
Clinical experience with okapis 1975 Peters, J.C. Verh. Ber. 17 Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere: 65-69
Differentiation of a variety of orthopoxvirus by analyses of viral genome 1985 Pilaski, J. Rosen, A. Darai, G. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie microbiologie und Hygiene, 260(4): 502
Comparative analyses of the genome of orthopoxviruses isolated from elephant, rhinoceros and okapi by restriction enzymes 1986 Pilaski, J. Rosen, A. Darai, G. Arch. Virol., 88(1/2): 135-142
Rotavirus-like infection associated with diarrhea in okapi 1986 Raphael, B.L. Sneed, L. Ott-Joslin, J. Journal Am. Vet. Med.Ass., 189(9): 1183-1184
Larves d'oestrides cavicoles chez Okapia johnstoni 1926 Rodhain, J. Scl. Rev. Zool. Afr., 14: 137-139
Piroplasmes d'okapi et d'elephants dans l'Ouelle 1935 Rodhain, J. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., 29: 877-881
On a new species of trichuris from Okapi 1955 Sawar, M.M. Acta Tropica, 12: 176-178
Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen des Okapi Bambe 1950 Scheidegger, S. Acta Tropica, 7: 132-150
Ein Hakenwurm als Parasit der Gallengänge van Giraffen und Okapis 1964 Scherf, H. Naturw. Rdsch. Stuttgart, 17: 150
Control of intestinal paratism of okapi 1965 Smits, G.M. Jacobi, E.F. Bijdr. Dierk, 35: 145-148
Report on the death of an okapi 1965 Smits, G.M. Misdorp, W. Jacobi, E.F. Blijdr. Dierk., 35: 141-144
Einiger Bemerkungen über die Trichocephalen der Wiederkäuer 1972 Sprehn, C Zool. Anz., 70: 83-93
The parasitic worms, collected by American Museum Expedition to the Belgian Congo, 1909-1914 1929 Stunkard, H.W. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 58: 233-289
Monodonella giraffae, ses oeufs, son importance en pathologie 1955 Teuscher, E. Zentralblatt Vet. Med., 2:489-494
Nématodes parasides de l'okapi 1934 Vuylsteke, C. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 27: 313-325
L'acclimatation des okapis à Londres et Copenhague 1953 Webb, C.S. Reventlow, A. Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 3: 45-52
Ergebnisse von Kotuntersuchungen bei Okapi 1964 Wetzel, R. Fortmeyer, H.P. Z. f. Parasitenk., 24: 288-301
Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis, durch Rektumstenose 1966 Zwart, P. Peters, J.C. Gispen, R. Zool. Garten. N.F., 33: 186-193
Durch Rektumstenose bedingte Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis 1966 Zwart, P. Peters, J.C. Verh. Ber. Int. Symp. Erkrank, 8: 122-123
Cowpox on okapis at the Rotterdam Zoo 1971 Zwart, P. Peters, J.C. Br. Vet. J., 127: 20-24
Neonatal illness characterised by dermatitis, hyperthermina and anemia in an okapi 1988 Raphael, B.L. Acta Zoologica et Pathologica Antverpiensia 80, 43-52
Urinary Corticosteroid Excretion Patterns in the Okapi (Okapia Johnstoni) 2008 Bennett, C. Fripp, D. Othen, L. Jarsky, T. French, J. Zoo Biology 27:381-393 456.pdf
Excretion Patterns of Fecal Progestagens, Adrogen and Estrogens During Pregnancy, Parturition and Postpartum in Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) 2007 Kusuda, S. Morikaku, K. Kawada, K. Ishiwada, K Doi, O. Journal of Reproduction an Development, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2007 457.pdf
Novel use of two long acting neuroleptics to facilitate the transportation of two okapi (Okapi johnstoni) 2004 Redrobe, S. European Association of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians, 5th scientific meeting 458.pdf
Okapi Patrick ist krank 1967 Anonymus 124th Report of the Zoological Garden of Berlin 474.pdf
Okapi Patrick ist tod 1974 Anonymus 131 Jahresbericht des Zoologischen Gartens Berlin 475.pdf
A 12-month survey of the gastro-intestinal helminths of antelopes, gazelles and giraffids kept at two zoos in Belgium 2005 Goossens, E Dorny, P Boomker, J Vercammen, F Vercruysse, J Veterinary Parasitology 127:303–312 477.pdf