All Titles |
The haunts of the okapi |
1906 |
Alexander |
The Nature, 1906 |
Harts Begin First Field Study of Okapi |
1986 |
Anonymus |
Wildlife Conservation International, winter: 1;10 |
Comparitive pathology of silicate pneumoconiosis |
1979 |
Brambilla, C. |
Abraham, J. |
Brambilla, E. |
Bernirschke, K. |
Bloor, C. |
American Journal of Pathology, 96(1): 149-170 |
Un trématode parasite de l'okapi (Cotylophoron congolense n. sp.) |
1935 |
Baer, J.G. |
Revenue Zoologique Botanique Afr., 28:310-316 |
Etude critque des helminthes de l'okapi |
1950 |
Baer, J.G. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 164-186 |
On the progress of Strongylids in a pair of Okapi's |
1962 |
Appelmans, F. |
Zool. Garden N.F., 26:310-312 |
Ein Ausbruch von Pochenkrankheit bei Okapis |
1964 |
Basse, A. |
Freund, E.A. |
Hansen, J.F. |
6th Int. Sympo. Dis. Zooanim. Vienne: 54-61 |
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi |
1937 |
Van Den Berghe, L. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 30: 117-139 |
Contribution à l'étude des parasites de l'okapi |
1937 |
Van Den Berghe, L. |
Vuylsteke, C. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 29: 361-369 |
Records of some parasitic worms from the Belgian Congo |
1939 |
Baylis, H.A |
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,3:628 |
General survey of okapi pathology |
1978 |
Benirschke, K. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antverpia, 71:63-68 |
12.pdf |
Bemerkenswerte Tierbabys |
1924 |
Anonymus |
Der Naturforscher,1: 219; 236 |
Okapi Paar im Zoologische Garten von Antwerpen |
1932 |
Anonymus |
Die Umchau, 36:998 |
Transl. A. M. Stanton. Okapi in captivity |
1950 |
Anonymus |
Sudan Wild Life and Sport, 1(4): 17-18 |
Das Okapi (im Naturhistorischen Museum Solothurn) |
1950 |
Anonymus |
Der Tierfreund 25 |
Das Okapi. Ein schwieriger Gast unsere Tiergärten |
1954 |
Anonymus |
Umschau. Frankf. M., 54: 692-694 |
Tableau des okapis capturés par le serveci de la chasse 1956-1967 |
1957 |
Anonymus |
Bull. Service des Eaux et Fôrets, Chasse et Pêche, 5:387-391 |
The Okapi |
1911 |
Allen, J.A. |
Amer. Mus. J.,11:37-75 |
Naissance de deux okapis conçus en captivité |
1958 |
Anonymus |
Bull. Service de Eaux et Fôrets, Chasse et Pêche, 5:340 |
Okapis for Artis |
1962 |
Anonymus |
Zoo News, 9:35 |
Varia |
1965 |
Anonymus |
Vakblad voor biologen, 45:36-37 |
L'Okapi |
1971 |
Anonymus |
La Faune, vie et moeurs des animeux sauvage, 39:180; 40:181-185 |
The wonderland of eastern Congo |
1922 |
Barns, T.A. |
Putman & Sons |
24.pdf |
L'Okapi |
1957 |
Bellais, H. |
Le Saint-Hubert, 19-20 |
The new okapi house at the Rotterdam Zoo, the Netherlands |
1959 |
Van Bemmel, A.C.V |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 1:38-39 |
Een jonge okapi |
1961 |
Van Bemmel, A.C.V |
Artis, 7(11):4-9 |
Een moderne ark van Noah. De dierentuin als redding voor bedreigde soorten |
1969 |
Van Bemmel, A.C.V |
Uitgeverij Ploegsma |
Concluding remarks on the desirability of collecting normative data on okapi |
1978 |
Benirschke, K. |
Acta. Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 131-134 |
29.pdf |
Enquête parasitologique |
1942 |
Van Den Berghe, L. |
Institut Parcs Nation. Congo Belge |
Über das Okapi |
1923 |
Bloth, J. |
Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Solothurn: 542 |
L'Okapi |
1907 |
Bloth, M. |
Nature, 35:354-357 |
Okapi's |
1984 |
De Boer, L.E.M. |
Dieren, jan/feb: 144-150 |
33.pdf |
Über Somatolyse, ins besondere bei Zebras |
1941 |
Von Boetticher, H. |
Z. f. Säugetierk., 16: 264-270 |
Les principaux animaux de chasse de l'Afrique noire continentale française |
1949 |
Bourgoin, P. |
Lorien, Ed & Imprim. de Bretagne |
First okapi in Europe |
1920 |
Boys Own Field Club |
Part 3, 42:85 |
über das Okapi |
1910 |
Brandes, G. |
Mittl. Zool. Garten Halle, 6(3): 1-5 |
An okapi comes to the Zoological Park |
1937 |
Bridges, W. |
Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., 40: 135-147 |
Giraffe en okapi |
1957 |
Van Bruggen, A.C. |
Den Haag, Wereld, 128: 627-634 |
Okapi experiences |
1947 |
Bridges, W. |
Animal Kingdom, 50: 154-157 |
Okapi-Bibliographie |
1950 |
Bruhin, H. |
Acte Tropica, 7: 188-192 |
Zur Biologie der Stirnaufsätze bei Huftieren |
1953 |
Bruhin, H. |
El okapi del Museo de Madrid |
1907 |
Cabrera, A |
Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 7: 133-136 |
El primer okapi vivo en Europa |
1919 |
Cabrera, A. |
Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 19: 443-445 |
Le okapia del Museo Zoologico di Torino |
1911 |
Camerano, L. |
Atti. Acc. Sci. Torino, 56: 212-215 |
Epulu au Congo Belge: domaine des okapis |
1959 |
Cauvin, A. |
La vie des bêtes, avril: 4-7 |
Supposed horn-sheaths of an okapi |
1915 |
Christy, C. |
Nature, 95: 343-344 |
The Okapi |
1915 |
Christy, C. |
Nature, 95: 506-507 |
Big game and pygmies. Experiences of a naturalist in central African forest quest of the okapi |
1924 |
Christy, C. |
Macmillan & Co |
The Siwalik mammals in the American Museum of Natural History |
1935 |
Colbert, E.H. |
Trans. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia N.S.: 26 |
Quelques observations concernant l'okapi |
1960 |
Corbion |
Zooleo, 55: 187-189 |
Experiences with okapis in Rottedam Zoo |
1978 |
Van Dam, D. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 31-36 |
52.pdf |
Endangered species and breeding consortia |
1980 |
Van Dam, D. |
De Boer, L.E.M. |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 20: 177-179 |
53.pdf |
Husbandry Guidlines for the Okapi SSP |
2004 |
De Rosa, T |
Petric, A. |
54.pdf |
Zehn Jarhe Okapi-Haltung im Blijdorp Zoo, Rotterdam |
1967 |
Van Doorn, C. |
Freunde d. Köln. Zoo, 10: 13-18 |
L'Okapi |
1952 |
Els, M. |
Zoolero Nouv. Sér., 16: 345-349 |
De Okapi's: merkwaardige gasten van onze Zoo |
1951 |
Faunus |
Natuurwereld, 2:116-119 |
Okapia |
1907 |
Fraipont, J. |
Contr. Faune de Congo I |
Mammifères et oiseaux protégés au Cong Belge |
1936 |
Frechkop, S. |
Int. Parcs NAT. du C.B. |
Animaux protégés au Congo Belge et dans le territoire sous mandat du Ruanda-Urundi, ainsi que la protection est assurée en Afrique |
1941 |
Frechkop, S. |
Inst. Parcs. Nat. du C.B.: 150-152 |
Auf den Spuren des Okapi im Urwald van Ituri |
1949 |
Freyberg, H. |
Du und das Tier, 1: 1-2 |
Des fossiles vivants |
1954 |
Furon, R. |
Naturalia, 5: 24 |
Tausend Okapis werden järlich getöted. Die Pygmäen und das Okapi |
1936 |
Gatti, A. |
Die Umschau, 40: 421-423 |
Die Entdeckung einer neuen Okapiart: Okapia kibalensis |
1936 |
Gatti, A. |
Die Umschau, 40: 699-703 |
Great mother forest |
1936 |
Gatti, A. |
Hodder & Stoughton |
Afrika, Hölle und Paradis |
1950 |
Gatti, A. |
Ich ging nur mit |
1950 |
Gatti, A. |
L'okapi giungera'allo Zoo di Rome |
1956 |
Ghigi, A. |
Boll. GIard. Zool. Milano e Torino, 2: 83-86 |
Les facteurs physio-pathologiques influençant l'acclimatation de l'okapi |
1953 |
Geurden, L.M.G. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 3: 2-18 |
Enkele gegevens over de geboorte van hoefdieren in de dierentuin te Antwerpen |
1959 |
Gijzen, A. |
Lutra, 1: 196-197 |
Das Okapi |
1959 |
Gijzen, A. |
A. Ziemsen Verlag. Die Neue Brehmbücherei, 231 |
L'okapi en captivité depuis sa découverte en 1900 jusqu'au 31 décembre 1970. Un pedigrée pour l'okapi. Chronique des okapis anversois |
1972 |
Gijzen, A. |
Zoo, 37: 139-153 |
Seventy years okapi |
1974 |
Gijzen, A. |
Smet, S. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 59 |
Studbook of the Okapi |
1977 |
Gijzen, A. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 68: 3-47 |
L'Okapi |
1914 |
Goffin, A. |
Chasse et Pêche. Début 1914 |
Forests of Africa |
1982 |
Gould, G. |
Windermere Fla., Rourke Corp |
Okapien |
1907 |
Grieg, J.A. |
Naturen, Bergen, 31: 241-245 |
Kein platz für wilde Tiere |
1954 |
Grimek, B. |
Kindler Verl. |
Wie Epulu, das erste Okapi in Deutschland, gefangen und in den Frankfurter Zoo gebracht wurde |
1955 |
Grimek, B. |
Kosmos, 51: 101-106 |
Thulo aus Frankfurt. Rund um die Giraffe |
1956 |
Grimek, B. |
Kosmos Gesell. Naturfreunde |
Schlaf von Giraffen und Okapi |
1956 |
Grimek, B. |
Naturw. Heidelberg, 43: 406 |
Grzimeks Tierleben |
1968 |
Grimek, B. |
Kindler Verlag., 13: 274-283 |
Wiedersehen met dem Kongo |
1971 |
Grimek, B. |
Das Tier, 11(9): 20-29 |
Giraffes |
1969 |
Guggisberg, C. |
Arthur Baker Ltd, Golden Press |
Mortality and husbandry with captive okapi, a review |
1974 |
Hagler, E.G. |
AAZPA, Central Reg. Conf. Proc.: 29-42 |
Weitere histochemische untersuchungen am Secret von Urethral- und Bulbourethraldruesen verschiedener Species |
1969 |
Halbhuber, K.J. |
Acta Histochem., 27: 334-348 |
Extinct and vanishing mammals of the Old World |
1945 |
Harper, F. |
Am. Comm. for Internat. Wildlife Protection, 12: 506 |
Aus dem Wunschzettel der Tiergärtner |
1949 |
Hediger, H. |
Unsere Tiere, 3: 86-98 |
Exotische Freunde in Zoo |
1949 |
Hediger, H. |
The capture of okapis |
1949 |
Hediger, H. |
Zoo Life, 4: 43-48 |
Wild animals in captivity. An outline of the biology of Zoos |
1950 |
Hediger, H. |
Butterworths Scient. Publ. |
Das okapi als ein Problem der Tiergartenbiologie |
1950 |
Hediger, H. |
Acta Tropica, 7(2): 98-109 |
Observations sur la psychologie animale dans les parcs nat. du C.B. |
1951 |
Hediger, H. |
Expl. de Parcs Nat. C.B., 1: 1-194 |
Seltene tropische Tiere und ihre Haltung in Zoologischen Gärden Nord-Amerikas |
1952 |
Hediger, H. |
Acta Tropica, 9: 96-124 |
Les animaux sauvage en captivité |
1953 |
Hediger, H. |
Payot |
Okapis in review |
1962 |
Heublein, E. |
Zoonooz, 35(5): 7 |
Sur la piste des bêtes ignorées |
1955 |
Heuvelmans, B. |
Libr. Plon |
The okapi. Mammal of Mystery |
1958 |
Holz, P.L. |
Frontiers, 23: 135-136 |
Schlaf bei Giraffiden |
1962 |
Immelman, K. |
Gebbing, H. |
Z. Tierpsychol., 19: 84-92 |
Nature notes (8). Okapi |
1955 |
Ionides, C.J.P. |
Afric. Wildlife, 9: 63-65 |
Table of gestation periods and number of young |
1927 |
Jennison, G. |
A 1 C. Black Ltd. |
Animals of the tropical forests |
1976 |
Johnson, S.A. |
Lerner Publ. Co. |
Remarques sur les giraffidés fossiles d'Afrique |
1937 |
Joleaud, L. |
Mammalia, 1: 85-96 |
Report: The okapi in captivity |
1958 |
Jones, M. |
Survey of the okapi |
1970 |
Jones, M. |
Int. Zoo News, 17(4): 112-115 |
Säugetierschutz, Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schutz (Theioplylaxie) |
1968 |
Kirk, G. |
Gust. Fischer Verlag, 8: 14 & 159 |
Rhino, tapir and okapi house at West Berlin Zoo |
1966 |
Klös, H.G. |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 6: 127-129 |
Waldrückgang und Entwaldung im Lichte der Wirbeltierkunde |
1954 |
Krumbiegel, I. |
Zschr. Angewandte Zool.: 287-312 |
Ein Zoo-Tier, das kein deuscher Zoo bezitzt |
1934 |
Kummerlöwe, H. |
Mitt. Zool. Garten Halle, 2-5 |
Über die Häufigkeit des Okapis |
1936 |
Kummerlöwe, H. |
Mitt. Zool. Garten Halle, 5-6 |
Vom Okapi |
1906 |
Küsthardt, G. |
Globus, 89: 108-110 |
Vom okapi |
1914 |
Lampert, K. |
Mitt. Nat. Kab. Stuttgart, 84: 43-59 |
Observations concernant la capture, l'élevage et les soins de l'okapi |
1957 |
De Landsheere, J. |
Zoo, 23: 12-25 |
Waarnemingen betreffende de vangst, het fokken en de verzorging van de okapi |
1957 |
De Landsheere, J. |
Natuurwereld, 8: 270-282 |
114.pdf |
Auch Okapis können gezüchtet werden |
1956 |
Lang, E.M. |
Orlon, 11/12 |
Einiger Beobachtungen an okapia johnstoni |
1959 |
Lang, E.M. |
Acta Tropica, 13(3): 254-258 |
Experiences with okapis in basle Zoo |
1987 |
Lang, E.M. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 37-40 |
117.pdf |
Grundlagen der Fortpflanzung bei wildtieren |
1965 |
Lang, E.M. |
Wackernagel, H. |
Verh. Ber. 7. Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere: 3 |
In quest of the rare okapi |
1918 |
Lang, H. |
Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., 21: 1601-1614 |
An okapi reared in captivity |
1919 |
Lang, H. |
Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., 22: 71-73 |
Wonders of giraffes |
1986 |
Lavine, S.A. |
Dodd, Mead |
Okapis in Gefangenschaft |
1939 |
Ley, W. |
Natur und Volk, 69: 331-334 |
Beitrag zur Kennis der Huftiere von Zentralafrika |
1923 |
Lorentz, L. |
Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien, 36: 90-123 |
Un benjamin da zoologia: o okapi |
1955 |
Machado, A. |
Naturalia, 5: 127-136 |
Animali sconosciuti |
1960 |
Mangili, G. |
Giardino zoologico, Per. di divulgazione naturalistica, 2(2): 13-21 |
Un okapi vivant au Jardin d'Anvers |
1919 |
Merle, R. |
La Nature, 3372: 176 |
Das Okapi im Magdeburger Museum für Natur und Heimetkunde |
1914 |
Mertens, A. |
Abh. Br. Mus. Nat. Heimatk., 2: 433-441 |
Ein lebendes Okapi in Antwerpen |
1929 |
M.F. |
Naturschurz, 10: 375 |
Kleine beobachtungen am Kopenhager Okapi |
1953 |
Mohr, E. |
Zool. Garten N.F., 20: 73-77 |
130.pdf |
Die Giraffidae |
1971 |
Möller, G. |
Staatsexamenarbeit f.d. Lehramt an Gymnasien |
A propos du syndrome d'occlusion et d'obstruction intestinale chez des mammiféres au Zoo d'Anvers |
1963 |
Mortelmans, J. |
Vercruysse, J. |
5. Int. Symp. Dis. Zoo. Animals Amsterdam: 168-171 |
Das Okapi |
1961 |
Niethammer, J. |
Bonner Zool. Beitrage, H. 3/4 |
Evolution de la famille d'okapi du Parc Zoologique de Paris |
1970 |
Nouvel, J. |
Rinjard, J. |
Pasquier, M.A. |
Mammalia, 34(2): 320-323 |
134.pdf |
Géants de la brousse et la fôret |
1946 |
Oberthur, J. |
Durel-Editeur |
Sir Harry Johnstone and the scramble for Africa |
1957 |
Oliver, R. |
Chatto & Windus |
Giraffidae as zoo animals. Les girafidés en parc zoologique |
1971 |
Pascal, D. |
These. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Lyon |
An account of the okapi herd owned by the Bristol, Clifton and West of England Zoological Society |
1978 |
Pearson, H. |
Greed, G.R. |
Wright, A.I. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 79-86 |
138.pdf |
Okapi management |
1987 |
Petric, A. |
AAZPA Regional Proc.: 566-571 |
139.pdf |
Congo's okapi is here |
1952 |
Pournelle, G.H. |
Zoonooz, San Diego, 30: 3-5 |
Eight years with Congo Pigmies |
1954 |
Putman, A.E. |
Keller, A. |
Prentice-Hall Inc. |
The Okapi Species Survival Plan |
1984 |
Rabb, G. |
AAZPA A. Conf. Proc.: 312-313 |
142.pdf |
Obsevation on the okapi Essayo in the Copenhagen Zoo |
1958 |
Reventlow, A. |
Conférence assemblée des Directeurs de Jardins Zoologiques 1953 à Anve |
L'okapi |
1910 |
Revilliod, P. |
Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges., 93: 304-305 |
Hornless okapis |
1910 |
Ridewood, W.G. |
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 6: 387-388 |
Réserves intégrales |
1956 |
Robin, L. |
Naturalia: 31-37 |
L'étrange histoire l'okapi |
1972 |
Roby |
Découvrir les animaux. Société des Périodiques Larousse, 104 |
Un okapi au Zoo de Vincennes |
1948 |
Rode, P. |
Mammalia 12: 45-46 |
Recherches sur l'okapi et les girafes de 'Est Africain |
1909 |
Rotschild, M. |
Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Paris, 10: 1-93 |
Remarques sur l'okapi |
1909 |
Rotschild, M. |
Neuville, H. |
C.R. Séanc. Acad. d. Sciences, 149: 693-695 |
Second generation of okapis |
1969 |
Scherpner, C. |
Int. Zoo News, Zeist, 16: 44 |
Dieren in gevangenschap |
1955 |
Scheyground, A. |
Duwaer & Zonen, Boortorenreeks 30: 1-159 |
On the track of the mystery animal: the story of the discovery of the okapi |
1978 |
Schlein, M. |
Einiger Eindrücke vom Okapi |
1950 |
Schneider, K.M. |
Zool. Garten N.F., 16(5): 182-185 |
154.pdf |
De zoogdieren van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-Urundi |
1947 |
Schouteden, H. |
Tervueren, 416-422 |
Faune du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi |
1948 |
Schouteden, H. |
Tervueren. Ann. Mus. Congo Belge Series in 8°, 1: 240-242 |
Animal of Mystery: The Okapi |
1988 |
Schwankl, B. |
Berg, J. |
Zoonooz, 62(9): 4-9 |
The okapi |
1936 |
Seth-Smith, D. |
J. Soc. Preserv. Faun. Empire, London, 27: 14-15 |
The book of the giraffe |
1968 |
Spinage, C.A. |
Collins, 17-20, 27, 28, 37, 97, 106, 113, 126 and appendix, 1: 143-161 |
In Paris wurde ein okapi geboren |
1957 |
Steinbacher, G. |
Orion, 854-855 |
Bericht über ein belgisch-deutsche Gemeinschaftsexpedition in Begisch-Kongo |
1958 |
Stephan, H. |
Mitt. Max Planck Ges.,2 98-106 |
Die Okapi-Gruppe |
1919 |
Zur Strassen, O. |
Ber. Senckenb. Gesellsch., 49 |
Sole cousin to the giraffe |
1952 |
Street, P. |
Country Life, 111: 1902-1903 |
The London Zoo |
1956 |
Street, P. |
Long Acre, Odhams press Ltd. |
Vom Okapi |
1955 |
Ullrich, W. |
Urania, 18: 222-225 |
Un okapi au Zoo de Vincennes |
1948 |
Urbain, A. |
Rode, P. |
Mammalia, 12: 45-46 |
Beknopt overzicht der huidige kennis omtrent de okapi |
1948 |
Vandermander, A. |
Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Belg. Congo, 39: 677-697 |
167.pdf |
Aperçu succint de nos connaissances actuelles au sujet de l'okapi |
1953 |
Vandermander, A. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 3: 23-43 |
Congo, Belgisch patrimonium |
1956 |
Verleyen, E.J.B. |
Heideland |
Okapi and pygmies of the Ituri forest |
1953 |
Wager, V.A. |
Afr. Wild Life, 7: 199-203 |
Suid Afrika krij seldsame soort kameelperd |
1956 |
Van Der Westhuizen, C.M. |
Die huisgenoot, 4-6 |
L'okapi |
1913 |
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C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 156: 2006-2008 |
Dunkler heiszer Kongowald |
1951 |
Zänkert, A. |
Zänkert, L. |
Kosmos Gesellsch. Naturf. Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshand |
Das Okapi, die seltene Kurtzhalsgiraffe des westafrikanischen Urwald-gebietes |
1926 |
Zukowsky, L. |
Carl Hagenbeck's, Tier- und Menschenwelt, 1: 40-42 |
Die Okapi-Fangstation in Belgisch Kongo |
1955 |
Zwilling, E.A. |
St. Hubertus, 41: 186-189 |
Venous valves in the giraffe, okapi, Camel and Ostrich |
1947 |
Amoroso, S.C. |
Edholm, O.G. |
Rewell, R.E. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 117: 435-440 |
Note préliminaire sur les sinus et les cornets nasaux de l'Okapi |
1925 |
Anthony, R. |
Coupin, F. |
C. R. Ass. Franç. Avanc. Sci. Paris, 48: 474-476 |
Recherches anatomiques sur l'Okapi. 2. Les sinus et les cornets nasaux |
1925 |
Anthony, R. |
Coupin, F. |
Rev. Zool. Afr., 13: 69-96 |
De la parenté sérelogique de l'okapi et de la girafe |
1945 |
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Bone, G. |
Bull. Acad. R. de Belg. Classes de Sciences, 30: 239-244 |
Notes on the endocranial cast of Okapi, Giraffa and Samotherium |
1915 |
Black, D. |
Abst. Anat. Rec.,9: 1 |
A study of endocranial casts of Okapi, Giraffa and Samotherium, with special reference to convolutional patterns in the family of the Giraffidae |
1915 |
Black, D. |
J. Comp. Neurol., 25: 329 |
Die Familie der Giraffidae mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der fossilen Formen aus China |
1926 |
Bohlin, B. |
Palaeont. Sinica, 4: 1-197 |
Les muscles pectoraux de l'okapi |
1939 |
Bourdelle, E. |
Bull. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg., 11: 513-518 |
Das auge de Okapi |
1950 |
Brückner, R. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 123-132 |
Notes on some of the viscera of the okapi |
1917 |
Burne, R.H. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 187-208 |
Description of the stomach, intestine, liver and pancreas of the okapi |
1939 |
Burne, R.H. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 109 (2): 451-479 |
Quelques observation sur le coeur de l'okapi et sur la circulation coronarienne |
1958 |
Candaele, G. |
Ghys, A. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 7 |
On the liver and gall-bladder of the giraffe |
1950 |
Cave, A.J.E. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 120: 381-393 |
The brain of the okapi |
1939 |
Le Gross Clack, W.E. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 109 (B): 153-159 |
The classification and the phylogeny of the Giraffidae |
1935 |
Colbert, E.H. |
Amer. Mus. Novit., 800 |
The giraffe and his living ancestor |
1938 |
Colbert, E.H. |
Nat Hist. New York, 41: 47-50 |
The relationship of the okapi |
1938 |
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J. Mammal. Baltimore, 19: 47-64 |
Gaits of the giraffe and okapi |
1960 |
Dagg, A. |
J. Mammal. Lawrence, 41: 282 |
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Recherches anatomiques sue l'okapi: 1. Le caecum et la glande ileocaecale |
1924 |
Derscheid, J.M. |
Neuville H. |
Rev. Zool. Afr., 12: 499-507 |
Recherches anatomiques sur l'okapi: 3. La rate |
1925 |
Derscheid, J.M. |
Neuville H. |
Rev. Zool. Afr., 13: 97-101 |
Altestquartäre Säugetiere aus der südlichen Serengeti, Deutch-Ostafrika |
1942 |
Dietrich, W.O. |
Paleontographica, 94: 43-133 |
Complementary studies on the pattern of palatal ridges in mammals |
1981 |
Eisentraut, M. |
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L'okapi. Ses affinités avec les giraffidés vivants et fossiles |
1908 |
Fraipont, J. |
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Vestigal metapodials in the okapi and the giraffe |
1951 |
Fraser, F.C. |
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De l'okapi et des affinités des giraffidés aves les antilopes |
1946 |
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Régression du troisième lobe de la dernière molaire intérieure chez l'okapi |
1941 |
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Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 13: 124-144 |
Le cerveau de l'okapi |
1943 |
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C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 216: 81-83 |
Remarks on the systematics and phylogeny of the giraffidae (Artiodactyle - Mammalia) |
1986 |
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Fossil giraffes from the Miocene of Africa and a revision of the phylogeny of the Giraffoidae |
1978 |
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Kleine Tropen-Zoologie |
1948 |
Hediger, H. |
Acta Tropica, Supple.1 |
Trends in the development of the skull of Okapia johnstoni |
1978 |
Jaspers, R. |
De Vree, F. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 107-129 |
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Rudimentäre Metapodien beim Okapi |
1953 |
Koch, W. |
Z. f. Säugetierk., 10: 148-150 |
Gabelungsspuren an Giraffenhörnen |
1966 |
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Sägetierk. Mitt., 14: 107-109 |
On Okapia johnstoni |
1901 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 279-281 |
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On Okapia, a new genus of giraffidae, from Central Africa |
1901 |
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Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 472-274 |
L'okapi johnstoni, nouveau mammifère voisin des girafes, découvert dans l'Afrique centrale |
1901 |
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C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 133: 857-859 |
The specific name of the okapi represented by Sir Harry Johnston |
1902 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Ann. Nat. Hist., 7: 417-418 |
On Okapia, anew genus of Giraffidae, from Central Africa |
1902 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 16: 279-314 |
Hair-worls in the okapi |
1903 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 337-340 |
The origin of the lateral horns of the giraffe in foetal life on the area of parietal bone |
1907 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1: 100-115 |
The origin of the lateral horns of the giraffe in foetal life on the area of parietal bone |
1907 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1: 126-135 |
On points in the structure of the cervical vertibrae of the okapi and the giraffe |
1908 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 320-334 |
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Supposed horn-sheats of an Okapi |
1915 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Nature, 95: 64-65 |
Monograph on the okapi |
1910 |
Lankaster, E.R. |
Ridewood, E.R. |
Alard & Son |
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Etude comparative du coeur de l'okapi et d'autres ruminants |
1944 |
Laurent-Combaz, J. |
Bull. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg., 20(115): 1-19 |
The cerabral blood supply in the giraffidae |
1948 |
Lawrence, W.E. |
Rewell, R.E. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 118: 202-212 |
Hornless okapis |
1910 |
Lydekker, R. |
Ann & Mag. Nat. Hist., 6: 224-226 |
The horns of the okapi |
1914 |
Lydekker, R. |
Nature, 93: 478-479 |
On the remains if the okapi received by the Congo Museum at Brussels |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 339-350 |
On the okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 73-79 |
L'okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
La Belgique Coloniale, 244-245 |
Nouveaux renseignements sur l'okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
La Belgique Coloniale, 532-534 |
Encore sur l'okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
La Belgique Coloniale, 568-570 |
Über das okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
Verd. V. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1056 |
La crâne de l'okapi |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
La Belgique Coloniale, 8 juin 1902 |
On a specimen of the okapi lately received at Brussels |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 339-350 |
Ocapia johnstoni, Lankaster |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
Tr. Zool. Soc. London, 16: 279 |
Ocapia johnstoni, Lankaster |
1902 |
Major, C.J.F. |
La Belgique Coloniale, Mei 25: 244; Juin 8: 260; Nov 30: 568-570 |
Ocapia johnstoni, Lankaster |
1902 |
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C. R. Zool. Congress, 1092: 62 |
Renal anatomy of a juvenile okapi |
1980 |
Maluf, N.S.R. |
93rd Session of the American Association of Anatomists. Omaha. Anat. Rec., 196(3): 240 |
Kidney of a 7 week old okapi |
1981 |
Maluf, N.S.R. |
65th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 40(3): 586 |
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur endocranialen Morphologie und zur craniocerebralen Topographie von Giraffe und Okapi (Mammalia, Praxonia, Pecora, Giraffoidea) |
1959 |
Munoz, P |
Gegenbaurs Morph. Jhb. C, 2: 213-264 |
Notiz über einen trächtigen uterus van okapia johnstoni |
1966 |
Naaktgeboren, C. |
Z. f. Säugetierk., 31(2): 171-176 |
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De certaines particularités dentaires de Giraffidés |
1930 |
Neuville, H. |
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris N.S., 2: 604-609 |
Recherches anatomique sur l'okapi |
1928 |
Neuville, H. |
Derscheid, J.M. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 16: 373-419 |
Zur kenntnis des Gehirns der Giraffidae (Pecora, Artiodactyle, Mammalia). Ein vergleich der Neocortex-Oberflächengrösse |
1971 |
Oboussier, H. |
Möller, G. |
Z. f. Säugetierk., 36: 291-296 |
Prelimanary note on a new point in the Structure of the feet of the okapi |
1936 |
Pocock, R.I. |
Die cerebralen Indices beim Okapi |
The okapi |
1946 |
Pocock, R.I. |
Zoo Life, 1: 3-7 |
Die cerebralen Indices beim Okapi |
1950 |
Portmann, A. |
Wirtz, K. |
Acta Tropica, 7 (2): 120-122 |
De la rate des Camélidés, des Giraffidés et des Cervidés |
1915 |
Rettener, E. |
Neuville, H. |
C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 79: 128 |
Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen de Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Scheidegger, S. |
Acta Trop. 7: 132-150 |
On the okapi |
1904 |
Sclater, P.L. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 180 |
Meeting of the Zool. Soc. of London of Nov. 13th 1906 on the letter of Capt. P.H.G. Powell-Cotton, F.Z.S., about the okapi, published in The Times of sept 27th 1906 |
1906 |
Sclater, P.L. |
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2: 760-761 |
Das Aussechen des Okapi |
1912 |
Zur Strassen, O. |
Ber. Senckb. Naturf. Bes., 43: 387-392 |
Stammesgeschichte der Säugetiere |
1960 |
Thenius, O. |
Hofer, H. |
Springer Verlag, 6: 238-239 |
Die Säugetiere |
1928 |
Weber, M. |
2te Aufl. unter Mitwirkung van O. Abel. Fisher, 2(24): 596-599 |
The innervation of the muscles of the trapezius-complex in giraf, okapi, camel and llama |
1958 |
Willemse, J.J. |
Arch. Néerl. Zool., 12: 532-536 |
Blijdorp-Geluiden, 5(3): 4-5 |
1957 |
Appelman, F.J. |
Blijdorp-Geluiden, 5(4): 4 |
1957 |
Appelman, F.J. |
Muyoni, our new female okapi |
1957 |
Graham, R. |
Anim. Kingdom, 59: 162-169 |
Wie Epulu, das erste Okapi in Deutschland gefangen und in de Frankfurter Zoo gebracht wurde |
1955 |
Grzimek, B. |
Kosmos: 101-106 |
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De eerste Okapi in Artis |
Jacobi, E.F. |
Artis, 4: 112-118 |
De la capture d'un okapi |
1972 |
Pecher, J. |
Zoonooz, 35: 37 |
Okapi-Lufttransport über 10000 km |
1949 |
Reventlow, A. |
Arche Noach, 1: 77 |
L'acclimatation des okapis à Londres et Copenhague |
1953 |
Webb, C.S. |
Reventlow, A. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Soc. Anvers, 3: 45-52 |
Fundemental approach to the nutrition of the captive wild herbivore |
1968 |
Abrams, J.T. |
Symp. Zool. Soc. London, 21: 41-62 |
L'okapi de Paris |
1949 |
Anonymus |
Zooleo Nouv. Ser., 2: 32 |
De okapi's |
1957 |
Anonymus |
Blijdorp-Geluiden, 5(10): 7 |
Food presentation in relation to behaviour in ungulates |
1976 |
Dittrich, L. |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 16: 48-57 |
Extent of Plant Cell Digestion in Several Species of Wild Ruminants Kept in the Zoo |
1983 |
Prins, R.A. |
Rooymans, T.P. |
Veldhuizen, M. |
Domhof, M.A. |
Cline-Theil, W. |
Zool. Garten N. F., 53(6): 393-403 |
Feed intake an Cell Wall Digestion by Okapi and Giraffe in the zoo |
1984 |
Prins, R.A. |
Domhof, M.A. |
Zool. Garten N. F., 54(1/2): 131-134 |
Wildlife feeding and nutrition |
1983 |
Robbins, C.T. |
Wildlife and nutritrion (Cunha T.C.), Academic press N.Y. |
Beobachtungen über das Trinkverhalten bei Zootieren |
1959 |
Schönholzer, L. |
Zool. Garten N. F., 24: 345-434 |
Feeding wild animals in Zoological Gardens |
1966 |
Wackernagel, H. |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 6: 23-37 |
Further observations on the chromosomes of the okapi |
1983 |
Benirschke, K. |
Kumamoto, A.T. |
Cousin, E.F.H.M. |
De Boer, L.E.M. |
Verh. Ber. 25. Int. Symp. Erkrank. Zootiere |
272.pdf |
Onderzoek naar de faktoren die de fokwaarde van een okapi in gevangenschap bepalen |
1986 |
De Bois, H. |
Dhondt, A.A. |
Thesis. Univ. Inst. Antwerpen |
Population genetics of the okapi |
1988 |
De Bois, H. |
Annales de la Soc. Roy. Zool. de Belgique, 118(1): 95 |
274.pdf |
Demographic and geneological of okapi in U.S. zoos |
1978 |
Foose, T.J. |
AAZPA A. Conf. Proc.: 85-87 |
Demographic and genetic models and managment for the okapi in captivity. A proposal |
1978 |
Foose, T.J. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 47-52 |
276.pdf |
Demographic and genetic models and managment for the okapi in captivity |
1978 |
Foose, T.J. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 73: 119-195 |
Demographic managment of endangered species in captivity |
1980 |
Foose, T.J. |
Int. Zoo Yearbook, 20: 154-166 |
A preliminary note the chromosomes of the giraffedae: Giraffa camelopardalis and Okapia johnstoni |
1969 |
Hösli, P. |
Lang, E.M. |
Mamm. Chromos. Newsl., 11: 109-110 |
Mammalian chromosomes, IX. The chromosomes of a female specimes of Okapi johnstoni |
1978 |
Koulischer, L. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 87-92 |
280.pdf |
On the chromosomes of the okapi |
1986 |
Petit, P. |
De Meurichy, W. |
Annales de Génétique, 29(4): 232-234 |
281.pdf |
Die Chromosomes van Okapia johnstoni |
1969 |
Ulbrich, F. |
Schmitt, J. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv.,49: 123-124 |
L'okapi et ses parasites |
1958 |
Darvelle, E. |
Bull. Serv. Eaux et Fôrets, Chasse et Pêche, 5: 213-230 |
Circumcision of an okapi |
1978 |
Denis, L. |
Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 59-62 |
286.pdf |
The taxonomy of the family Paraphistomidae Fischoeder, 1901 with special reference to the morphology species occuring in rumminants |
1980 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Thesis. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
A new genus, Leiperocotyle, for Cotylophoron okapi Leiper 1935 and C. congolense Bear, 1936 and redescription of C. okapi |
1980 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Systematic Parasit., 1(3-4): 255-263 |
The taxonomy of the family Paramphistomidae (Fischoeder, 1901) with special reference to the morphology of species occuring in ruminants. 7. Redescription of Leiperocotyle (Bear, 1936) (Eduardo, 1980) |
1985 |
Eduardo, S.L. |
Systematic Parasit., 7(3): 231-238 |
Tympanites and ruminal acidosis in zoo ruminants |
1978 |
Elze, K. |
Krische, G. |
Vers nouveaux de l'okapi |
1948 |
Fain, A. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 41: 222-230 |
Le genre Gongylonema Molin 1857, au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi |
1948 |
Fain, A. |
Ann. Par. Hum. et Comp., 30: 202-218 |
Zur kenntnis des Parasiten des Okapis |
1958 |
Fortmeyer, H.P. |
Diss. Giessen |
Zur Kenntnis van Monodontella giraffae der Giraffen und Okapis (Mammalia, Giraffidae). |
1963 |
Frank, W. |
Krause, D. |
Ostertag H. |
Z. f. Parasitenk., 23: 63-79; 181-196 |
Okapi immobilized at St. Louis |
1970 |
Freuh, R. |
AAZPA Newsletter, febr. |
Les okapis à la Station d'Epulu. Rappro de mission d'études effectuées à la Station d'Epulu du 1-2-58 au 15-7-58 |
1960 |
Gerber, W. |
Bull Agricole du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, 51: 159-170 |
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Notices complémentaires sur l'okapi, sur sa reproduction et ses maladirs au jardin zoologique d'Anvers |
1962 |
Gijzen, A. |
Mortelmans, J. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 30: 1-66 |
Mammomonogamus species in domestic and wild rumminents. Les Mammomonogamus des ruminants domestiques et sauvages |
1972 |
Graben, M. |
Euzeby, J. |
Gevrey, J. |
Toncy, P.M. |
Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 47(2): 225-241 |
Aspergillosis and mucomycosis in an okapi |
1964 |
Hewer, T.F. |
Bristol med. chir. J., 79: 121-127 |
Aspergillosis and mucormycosis in two newborn calves of okapia johnstoni |
1968 |
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Pearson, H. |
Wright, A. |
Br. Vet. J., 124: 282-286 |
Conservation de Rickettsia prowazeki dans les sarcocytes de l'Okapi |
1959 |
Jadin, J. |
Arch. Inst. Pasteur de Tunis, 36: 141-144 |
Giraffe und Okapi |
1976 |
Kloppel, G. |
Zootierkrankheiten, edited by Klos H.G. and Lang E.M., Verlag Paul Parey: 206-21 |
Die diagnose des nematodenfalles beim lebenden Tier, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Befunde beim Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Kreis, H.A. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 151 |
Klinscher Beobachtungen am Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Lang, E.M. |
Acta Tropica, 7(2): 118-120 |
Haltung und Brunst von Okapia in Epulu |
1956 |
Lang, E.M. |
Säugetierk. Mitt., 4(2): 49-52 |
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Helminth parasites in the living okapi |
1935 |
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Helminth parasites obtained from an okapi postmortem |
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Leiper, R.T. |
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Study of the Okapis, with special reference to their helminthic fauna |
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Lynen, L. |
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Contribution to the Helmintho Fauna of Tropical Africa. Tape worms of the Belgian Congo |
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Anaesthesia in okapis |
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A propos de l'immobilisation des ruminants sauvages en captivité |
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Remarques sur la fonction génitale et la naissance d'un okapi |
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Notes on the periodical appearence of hairloss on a male okapi |
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Acta Zool. Path. Antv., 71: 45-46 |
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Hoof repair in an okapi |
1980 |
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Myobacteria in mammals and birds of the Zoo of Antwerp |
1967 |
Pattyns, S.R. |
Boveroulle, M.T. |
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Kuhpocken bei den Okapi im Zoologischer Garden Blijdorp |
1969 |
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Clinical experience with okapis |
1975 |
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Differentiation of a variety of orthopoxvirus by analyses of viral genome |
1985 |
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Comparative analyses of the genome of orthopoxviruses isolated from elephant, rhinoceros and okapi by restriction enzymes |
1986 |
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Rotavirus-like infection associated with diarrhea in okapi |
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Larves d'oestrides cavicoles chez Okapia johnstoni |
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Piroplasmes d'okapi et d'elephants dans l'Ouelle |
1935 |
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On a new species of trichuris from Okapi |
1955 |
Sawar, M.M. |
Acta Tropica, 12: 176-178 |
Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen des Okapi Bambe |
1950 |
Scheidegger, S. |
Acta Tropica, 7: 132-150 |
Ein Hakenwurm als Parasit der Gallengänge van Giraffen und Okapis |
1964 |
Scherf, H. |
Naturw. Rdsch. Stuttgart, 17: 150 |
Control of intestinal paratism of okapi |
1965 |
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Jacobi, E.F. |
Bijdr. Dierk, 35: 145-148 |
Report on the death of an okapi |
1965 |
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Einiger Bemerkungen über die Trichocephalen der Wiederkäuer |
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The parasitic worms, collected by American Museum Expedition to the Belgian Congo, 1909-1914 |
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Monodonella giraffae, ses oeufs, son importance en pathologie |
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Zentralblatt Vet. Med., 2:489-494 |
Nématodes parasides de l'okapi |
1934 |
Vuylsteke, C. |
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 27: 313-325 |
L'acclimatation des okapis à Londres et Copenhague |
1953 |
Webb, C.S. |
Reventlow, A. |
Bull. Soc. R. Zool. Anvers, 3: 45-52 |
Ergebnisse von Kotuntersuchungen bei Okapi |
1964 |
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Fortmeyer, H.P. |
Z. f. Parasitenk., 24: 288-301 |
Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis, durch Rektumstenose |
1966 |
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Durch Rektumstenose bedingte Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis |
1966 |
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Cowpox on okapis at the Rotterdam Zoo |
1971 |
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Notre jeune okapi, troisième rejeton né à terme de Dassengela, est décédé deux semaines aprés sa naissance |
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Anonymus |
Zoo, 23: 133-134 |
A propos d'okapis |
1959 |
Anonymus |
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Mammalian gestation periods |
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Anonymus |
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Patterns of mammalian reproduction |
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Itheca: 339 |
Naissance au Zoo d'un okapi femelle |
1959 |
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Mafuta notre jeune okapi femelle |
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Haltung und Brunst von okapia in Epulu |
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Stimmlicher Kotakt van Okapis untereinander |
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Birth, early behaviour and clinical date on the Okapi |
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Durch Rektumstenose bedingte Aufzuchtprobleme bei jungen Okapis |
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Variabilität im Verhalten van Okapis - Enfluß van Haltung und individuellen Unterschieden |
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Ernärung und Nahrungsaufnahme-verhalten des Okapis (Okapia johnstoni) in Zoologischen Gärten |
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Evolution of body weight in pregnant okapis |
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A note of social structure of free-ranging okapi |
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A summery report on the behaviour, ecology and conservation of the okapi |
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Neonatal illness characterised by dermatitis, hyperthermina and anemia in an okapi |
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The Okapi, Mysterious Animal of Congo-Zaire |
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Okapihaltung im Kölner Zoo |
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Infrasound communication in okapi |
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An overview of the demographic characteristics of the EEP and SSP okapi populations |
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Conservation in Action: Okapi/Epulu Project. |
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Verhaltungsbudget und Tagesaktivität der Okapis in Kölner Zoo |
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Okapi Wildlife Reserve |
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Aktivitäten der Okapis in Stall und in Außengehege im Tagesverlauf |
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Keeper's guide to okapi husbandry |
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Conservation of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, Zaire |
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Wählerische Laubfresser - Angemessene Ernährung van Giraffen und Okapis in Zoo |
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Die Jahre der Okapis |
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Tierpark-Okapis |
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Glucosuria in captive okapi |
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Energy Supply of the Okapi in Captivity: Fermantation Characteristics of Feedstuffs |
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Considarations on feed used for zoo ruminants |
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Energy Supply of the Okapi in Captivity: Intake and Digestion Trials |
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London's Okapi on View |
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Okapi Husbandry Manual |
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Solving a Mystery of the African Jugle |
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Urinary Corticosteroid Excretion Patterns in the Okapi (Okapia Johnstoni) |
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Excretion Patterns of Fecal Progestagens, Adrogen and Estrogens During Pregnancy, Parturition and Postpartum in Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
2007 |
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Novel use of two long acting neuroleptics to facilitate the transportation of two okapi (Okapi johnstoni) |
2004 |
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Fecal progestagen evaluations to monitor the estrous cycle and pregnancy in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
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Non-invasive reproductive monitoring in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
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An overview of 6 years of faecal progestagen evaluations in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni) |
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Okapia johnstoni |
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Okapi-chronik des Berliner Zoos |
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Seeing double |
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New Face in The Downing Gorilla Forest |
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Monitoring genetic variation in a captive population |
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Het okapi-studbook, van inventaris tot wereldplan |
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Le Stud-book de l'okapi: de l'inventaire au plan mondial |
1991 |
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L'eco-ethologie de l'okapi dans les forest du nord-est du Zaire |
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Okapi and Epulu - a long-term conservation project |
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The Lights in the Forest |
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Wildlife Conservation |
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Sources of variation in collecting information on apparent diet digestibility in five okapi at Brookfield Zoo |
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Okapi Patrick ist krank |
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124th Report of the Zoological Garden of Berlin |
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Okapi Patrick ist tod |
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De geboorte van een okapi-wijfje |
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A 12-month survey of the gastro-intestinal helminths of antelopes, gazelles and giraffids kept at two zoos in Belgium |
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Okapi arrival at New York |
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Times Magazine US |
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Birth first okapi at Vincennes |
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The Okapi |
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Fertility evaluation in males of defferent endagered species at the Berlin Zoo |
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Ituri-Epulu-Aru Landscape |
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Un événement zoologique |
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okapis become ambassadors |
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Okapi Conservation Project |
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Gilman International Conservation |
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From the Shed |
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Karatasi, WOC Center Newsletter |
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Changes in the milk composition of okapi (Okapia johnstoni) during the first 6 months of lactation |
2012 |
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Animal Science Journal, Volume 83, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages: 344–349 |
Analysis of glycosuria in okapi (Okapia johnstoni): examination of urinary N-acetyl-゜-D-glucosaminidase |
2014 |
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Animal Science Journal 85(10)910-914 |